Thursday, February 26, 2015

10 Open Source Mobile Test Automation Tools

Here is a list of top ten open source mobile test automation tools to allow you to automate mobile apps and mobile web. Some open source tools for mobile automation can be used for both Android and iOS as well as Native, Web and Hybrid.


(Android and iOS)
Appium is an open-source tool for automating native, mobile web, and hybrid applications on iOS and Android platforms. Native apps are those written using the iOS or Android SDKs. Mobile web apps are web apps accessed using a mobile browser (Appium supports Safari on iOS and Chrome or the built-in ‘Browser’ app on Android).Hybrid apps have a wrapper around a “webview” — a native control that enables interaction with web content.Download Appium


(Android and iOS)
Calabash is an automated acceptance testing framework for mobile apps. Calabash could be compared to Selenium WebDriver. However, it is important to realize that interacting with a web app from a desktop computer is vastly different than interacting with a native app using a touch screen. Calabash provides APIs that are specialized to native apps running on touch screen devices. Download Calabash


Frank allows you to write structured text test/acceptance tests/requirements (using Cucumber) and have them execute against your iOS application. Frank also includes a powerful “app inspector” (called Symbiote) that you can use to get detailed information on your running app.Download Frank


(Android and iOS)
MonkeyTalk automates real, functional interactive tests for iOS and Android apps – everything from simple “smoke tests” to sophisticated data-driven test suites. Native, mobile, and hybrid app, real devices or simulators. Download MonkeyTalk


Use the Automation instrument to automate user interface tests for your iOS app through test scripts that you write. These scripts simulate user actions by calling UI Automation, a JavaScript programming interface that specifies actions to be performed in your app as it runs. During the tests, the system returns log information to you.
When you automate tests of UI interactions, you free critical staff and resources for other work. In this way you minimize procedural errors and shorten the amount of time needed to develop product updates. More information


Robotium is an Android test automation framework that has full support for native and hybrid applications. Robotium makes it easy to write powerful and robust automatic black-box UI tests for Android applications. With the support of Robotium, test case developers can write function, system and user acceptance test scenarios, spanning multiple Android activities.Download Robotium


Automate any IOS native, hybrid, or mobile web application using the Selenium / WebDriver API. ios-driver is fully compatible with the Selenium / Webdriver API. IOS automation is therefore as easy as automation for a browser.
ios-driver fully integrates with Selenium Grid so you can reuse your existing web automation infrastructure including your helper and utility classes (i.e. data creation, page objects etc.)
Download iOS-driver


The uiautomator testing framework lets you test your user interface (UI) efficiently by creating automated functional UI testcases that can be run against your app on one or more devices.
The uiautomator API is bundled in the uiautomator.jar file under the /platforms/ directory. The API includes these key classes, interfaces, and exceptions that allow you to capture and manipulate UI components on the target app. More information


KIF, which stands for Keep It Functional, is an iOS integration test framework. It allows for easy automation of iOS apps by leveraging the accessibility attributes that the OS makes available for those with visual disabilities.
KIF builds and performs the tests using a standard XCTest testing target. Testing is conducted synchronously in the main thread (running the run loop to force the passage of time) allowing for more complex logic and composition. Download KIF


Selendroid is a test automation framework which drives off the UI of Android native and hybrid applications (apps) and the mobile web. Tests are written using the Selenium 2 client API. Download Selendroid

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

40 Secrets to Making Money with In-App Purchases

Top 3 Mobile Application Testing Tool Requirements

Mobile devices are everywhere today and enterprises already understand that keeping one step ahead of the mobile game is essential. Chances are, that if they have not already, enterprises will be investing in mobile applications in the near future.
With this development, comes the need to ensure that creation of enterprise mobile applications is done in the best, most secure way possible. Despite the fact that there are a large number of requirements needed in an average testing tool, the following is a concise list of less-than-obvious recommendations that will ensure that you choose an excellent mobile testing tool.
One Object Repository for all Mobile Platforms
A mobile application testing tool that can run a single test on any device being tested has an obvious advantage over a mobile testing tool that requires modifying the script for each new device. The way to achieve this is through object reuse via an object repository which identifies runtime objects based on characteristics specified by the testing team. In other words, object descriptions are stored in the object repository and when each test is run, the Object Repository window provides information about the test object such as its type, where it is stored and other details for each mobile platform.
Advantages of Object Repositories;
• Test maintainability- no need to edit all scripts in the event of a button label change
• Test portability- a unified Object Repository leads to the ability to use the same script on different platforms without any modifications of the script
• Simplification of test scripts through separation of physical attributes and test scripts
• Improved script readability as objects are referred to using object names
Complex Identification of Native, Web & Hybrid Apps
When a mobile application development team wishes to test a native, web or hybrid application, there are different identification techniques available. A complex identification technique is much more advisable due to the ability to zoom in on details in a much more sophisticated manner than an elementary identification technique, thus leading to much more precise and reliable identification. When a more simplistic tool is used, the best possible scenario is that bugs remain unidentified, the worst possible scenario is that the wrong object is identified and there is no way of knowing where the bug is…
A complex hierarchy (tree-based) identification method reveals the hierarchy behind the objects that are clicked on and not just the object’s properties.
Enterprises wanting to develop mobile applications should therefore make sure that the tool they purchase in order to test their applications is capable of complex hierarchy identification to save the money, time and effort of the QA team.
In addition, making sure that the mobile testing tool that your enterprise chooses can integrate into CI environments means that you end up taking preventative (and not corrective) measures.
The following illustation presents how complex identification techniques work- in order to identify the required object (in this case the little box found to the right of the text “Help”), the “parent” object (container) is found (in this case “LineartLayout”, followed by a “son” of the “parent” (in this case the “Help” text).
Android Test Automation

“On the Fly” iOS Instrumentation
When developing mobile applications, instrumentation of the application is a critical step. Instrumentation is the act of bringing to the surface the properties of an element- such as its ID-and its hierarchical placement. It is possible for the QA team to carry out instrumentation after the application has been worked on by the R&D team, and indeed this is the most common scenario. However, the ability to carry out instrumentation “on the fly” means that it is possible to entirely skip over the stage of the R&D team, allowing the QA team to carry out instrumentation directly, with no need to understand or change the code, thereby saving valuable time.

Top 10 Testing And Quality Assurance Fails of 2014

Technologically speaking, it’s hard to think of a year that was more exciting in recent memory than 2014. We saw a huge wave of new products like the iPhone 6, as well as were treated to upcoming glimpses of products in development like the Apple Watch and the BlackBerry Classic. Unfortunately, 2014 was also a fairly big year in terms of technology-related fails. From quality assurance to testing to security, issues seemed to crop up on an almost daily basis to embarrass some of the biggest tech companies in the world. Even Apple wasn’t immune to large scale fails this year.

The BlackBerry Passport

The BlackBerry Passport is a quality assurance fail at its finest. In theory, the device should have been a success – in a world where mobile device screens are getting larger, it would probably be awhile before a company hit that “too large” area and customers rebelled. BlackBerry found out it was a scenario that would happen sooner rather than later by releasing a mobile device that was essentially unusable with only one hand.

The Sony Hack

The Sony Hack makes the list of the top 10 tech fails of 2014 not due to the fact that it happened, but due to the astonishingly poor security-related practices that it exposed. For one of the biggest technology-related companies on the planet, you would think that they would store passwords and other sensitive information in encrypted files. If they did have to store them in an unencrypted location, you would hope that it wouldn’t be in a folder labeled “Passwords.”

The Amazon Fire Phone

The Amazon Fire Phone makes the list of top 2014 fails due to a huge number of quality assurance fails. Amazon was so excited to rush the phone to market that they didn’t perfect many of the features that it depended on. From sub-par battery life to a 3D screen with a resolution so low it would feel outdated even five years ago, the product was one big fail after another.

Google Glass

Google made a bold step in the direction of wearable technology with Google Glass. The reason it makes the “fail” list is for something that should have been handled during the testing phase – longtime users of the device report everything from awful headaches to vision problems and essentially everything in between.

Android Wear

Android Wear included some of the first true smart watches and other wearable devices to hit the market in a big way. It’s too bad that nearly every aspect of them, including the built-in heart rate monitors, failed to work properly.

The Aereo

No list of 2014 fails would be complete without the Aereo and the unfortunate fact that it turned out to be a revolutionary new product with a business model that even the Supreme Court said was copyright infringement.

Cannibalizing the Tablet Market

Tech companies accidentally cannibalized the tablet market in 2014 by releasing “bigger and better” smartphones with large screens that rivaled devices like the iPad.

Streaming Sony TV

The PlayStation TV initially seemed to be Sony’s answer to the Apple TV set top box. By launching without support for even basic streaming services like Netflix or YouTube, it turned out to be Sony’s answer to essentially nothing.

Microsoft Kinect

Microsoft Kinect 2.0 shipped with the Xbox One gaming console and relied heavily on voice commands that were supposed to revolutionize the in-home entertainment experience – if, that is, they worked the way they were supposed to even half of the time.

With the fantastic growth of mobile computing platforms such as the iPhone, Blackberry,Symbian, J2ME, Windows Mobile and Android environments, there has been a dramatic increase in the value of mobile applications for most companies. 
However, one of the biggest challenges that one faces when developing a mobile application is how to test it. Testing Mobile applications is a very intricate and arduous undertaking. There are an enormous number of factors to consider for mobile computing

Want to be a Mobile testing professional Then join with me grab the opportunists in IT industry.
As applications for smartphones and tablets become incredibly popular, organizations encounter increasing pressure to quickly and successfully deliver testing for these devices. When faced with a mobile testing project, many testers find it tempting to apply the same methods and techniques used for desktop applications. Although some of these concepts transfer directly, testing mobile applications presents its own special challenges. Max Saperstone says if you follow the same practices and techniques as you have before, you will miss critical defects. Learn how to effectively test mobile applications, and how to add more structure and organization to generate effective test ideas to exploit the capabilities and weaknesses of mobile devices. Max shares first-hand experiences with testing mobile applications and discusses how to address various challenges. Work on real problems on your own device and learn firsthand how to be productive while testing mobile applications.
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